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Chemical peeling is a non-surgical treatment, whose immediate effect consists in the elimination of a more or less deep part of the skin, depending on the type of acid used, as well as a delayed effect of skin regeneration, renewing the dermal matrix and leaving it without certain aesthetic defects such as spots, wrinkles ...


What advantages does it offer?


  • It can be done at any time of the year, on any type of skin and anywhere on the body.

  • It is quick, simple and painless.

  • It does not require general anesthesia or admission to the clinic.

  • A more luminous, uniform, compact and elastic complexion.


Who can benefit?

Candidates are those who present facial aging due to sun exposure, hyperchromia (spots), acne, keratosis, sagging skin, small wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, open pores ...


When is it contraindicated?


  • If a surgical intervention has been performed in the area to be treated and at least four months have not elapsed.

  • If there are certain pathologies, which is why your doctor should take a prior medical history.

  • If a connective treatment has been carried out and at least four weeks have not elapsed.


What substances are used?

In a chemical peel various substances are used: trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, acelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, logical acid ...

What type of peel to use?

There are three types of peeling: superficial, medium and deep. The peeling should be a personalized treatment for each patient. The intensity of the peeling must be related to the depth of the lesions.

Superficial peeling is intended to make fine wrinkles, blemishes and acne disappear in patients who do not want or cannot afford visible flaking, as it only leaves a slight redness that disappears in several hours. It can be applied in intervals of fifteen days.


The medium peel is designed to erase superficial wrinkles as well as extended pigmented lesions and acne in the active phase.
Greater redness and more visible flaking appear, shedding dry skin. It hardly disrupts normal social life.

It is done in a single session. It can be applied again after six weeks.

The deep peeling is designed to eliminate the most marked wrinkles, medium-high degree photoaging, acne in its scarred state and circumscribed pigmentation.

Temporary severe skin redness appears for 3-4 days and severe peeling for up to about 10 days. Normal social life can be disrupted for about a week. It is done in one session. It can be applied again after eight weeks.


We can advise you ...


Before the consultation, use specific cosmetics for fifteen days to prepare the skin.


In the consultation, the pre-peeling will consist of a deep cleaning of the skin and the post-peeling in the application of a mask and a cream that reduces inflammation, restores the hydrolipidic layer and momentarily protects the skin from the action of the rays. solar.


At home, after undergoing the peeling, you should apply moisturizing, antioxidant and dermoreparative action creams as well as sun protection screens. You should consider that:


  • You can use makeup preferably hypoallergenic.

  • The treated areas should not be touched or scratched.

  • You will not be able to wash the treated area until the next morning.

  • You will not be able to wear metallic jewelry for 48 hours.

  • You should avoid exposure to the sun.


The information contained in this page can in no way, nor is it intended to replace the information provided individually by your plastic surgeon. In case of doubt, your plastic surgeon will provide you with the appropriate clarifications. If you are thinking of undergoing a Plastic or Aesthetic Surgery intervention, go to a Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.


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